Artist Statement
My figurative work in sculpture has a connection to history. Having an early interest in literature, I was drawn to art that had vivid imagery and a story. I wanted my sculptures to reflect that story telling. Reading still influences what I want to express in art however it has become a personalized expression of my emotions and ideas. As a starting point I often use mythological symbols and imagery transforming them from my own experiences to concepts, alluding to mythology yet making it a contemporary personalized statement.

I was first introduced to art while visiting the 1964 New York World’s Fair. Upon seeing Michelangelo’s Florentine Pieta, I was awe struck, even as a child the more than life like sculpture had a profound effect that moved me. I stood on the railing while the conveyor belt moved people behind me towards the exit. I was moved to stay look on the work for as long as allowed. I don’t know how long it was until I was finally asked to leave. To this day I still see that image as I saw it the first time.” Needless to say, I am still inspired and moved by all works of art.

Tom Durham
2014 Independence Street New Orleans, La. 70117
Phone :917-688-9624
Email: tom@tomdurhamsculpture.com